University of the North presents first Aanjaagfonds cheques and launches round #2

University of the North presents first Aanjaagfonds cheques and launches round #2

Yesterday afternoon, in the new House of Connections (former V&D building) at the Grote Markt, the first cheques were presented to the selected projects of the University of the North Aanjaagfonds. Steering group member Erica Schaper also launched round #2 with a symbolic press of the button. Projects that are eligible for the Aanjaagfonds can submit an application until 30 June.

With this Aanjaagfonds, the knowledge institutions involved – UG, UMCG, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences – aim to boost and accelerate the realization of the RIS3 objectives and the University of the North’s goals as formulated in the Knowledge Agenda. The Fund has an amount of €250,000 to award annually.

Selected projects of round one

The selected projects of round one – ‘TransPlant; platform for TRANSition to a PLANT-based society’, ‘Digital literacy and inclusion; the basis for wide prosperity’, and ‘Class interactions and mental well-being of vulnerable secondary school pupils’ – received a cheque from Erica Schaper that will give a significant boost to each of the projects.

Round #2

After the festivities, Erica Schaper launched round #2 with a symbolic press of the button. Teaching, research, and valorization projects of the knowledge institutions involved that focus on at least one of the Knowledge Agenda transitions may now submit their applications. An important condition is that at least three knowledge institutions involved participate in the project. The deadline for application submission for round two is 30 June. As with round one, the proposals will again be assessed by an external evaluation committee.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about the Aanjaagfonds and the possibilities of submitting an application, please visit the web page. Additionally, a webinar will be held on Wednesday 19 April from 3 to 4 p.m., during which an introduction to the Aanjaagfonds will be given and interested parties can pose their questions to the University of the North team. Keep an eye on the web page for more information!

About the University of the North

The University of the North is an initiative by the UG, UMCG, Hanze UAS Groningen, NHL Stenden UAS, Van Hall Larenstein UAS, and vocational education institutions from the North. Through the University of the North, the knowledge institutions involved want to boost the wide prosperity in the Northern Netherlands and the transitions as formulated in the Knowledge Agenda. This is achieved through making smart use of each other’s facilities, making each other’s teaching easily accessible, forming hybrid research groups, and stimulating entrepreneurship.

The UG, Hanze UAS Groningen, and NHL Stenden UAS introduce The Change Dialogues; a series of conversations on sustainable transformation

University of the North presents first Aanjaagfonds cheques and launches round #2 Yesterday afternoon, in the new House of Connections…